ARE YOU A MUM WHO'S FINALLY READY TO prioritise yourself AND love the way you look and feel ?

Join The #1 Coaching Program for Mums in 2024 Who Want To Drop 2-4 Dress Sizes by Installing My 'No-Diet' Method.

Finally See Results For Life - GUARANTEED! The below video explains why we are DIFFERENT!!

How Melissa stopped dieting... lost weight and regained her life back

We're looking for our next 15 women who are done with the endless on-off dieting and want to find a lasting solution.

We've helped over 300 women finally get rid of the stubborn fat without giving up their favourite foods or exercising for hours. All while building a healthier relationship with food and themselves.

Click the button below to see if you qualify for the program.

A Coaching Program Specifically Designed For Women 35-55 Who Feel Stuck...

Unfortunately, with age our bodies change. Our metabolisms, hormones and energy levels all change... but not for the better!

You may be finding what used to work no longer does.

Staying motivated gets harder. And those years of putting family and work fist - and yourself last - may have caught up with you

So how do you get results and stay motivated in this phase of life?

It's definitely not with another soul sucking diet or quick fix program.

It's by following a simple method, that actually fits in with your life, while helping you see noticeable results week after week.

Here's How We Ensure Your Success


No matter your ability, we'll match your needs and preferences to make sure you get the best results from every session while being in a fun, varied and ego-free environment


We remove all the fads and complications of nutrition for you by guiding you through our simple but effective system meaning you get results without having to eliminate the foods you enjoy the most!


This isn't a typical gym membership. It's a programme designed to take you from your current position to your desired destination. And to do that our expert team will keep you on track every step of the way to ensure your results.

Without crash diets or avoiding your social life, you will:

  • Improve your fitness
  • Better your long term health
  • Tone Up
  • Massively increase Your Confidence
  • Sleep better
  • Feel more energised
  • Improve your self-esteem and more!

Hi, I'm Sanna - Your Body Transformation Coach

People look at me now and think it's always been this way...

At 45 I'm in the best shape of my life, completed multiple triathlons and have energy to run 2 businesses plus keep up with my 2 children (harder than the businesses most days!)

But rewind 15 years, I was a mess. Overweight, jumping diet to diet, struggling to find a way to lose my stubborn fat and enjoy fitness.

My diets would get stricter every time, and remove all the enjoyment from my life.

After a decade of this, the pin finally dropped, and I realised the answer is NOT another diet.

I had to shift my mindset and stop trying to find a magic pill or quick fix.

Instead I needed to create a lifestyle I can stick to with my busy life. I needed to stop the self-sabotage caused by feeling like I had to lose all my weight in 2 weeks or I was failing.

I realised now I was over 35, to be kind to myself, and focus on sustainable habits and steady progress.

The result was I lost 3 dress sizes, fell in love with exercise, and still enjoy myself when I want to.

My passion is now helping other women feel this same freedom, and get their life (and confidence!) back.

No matter what your current level is, if you are willing to put in the work, I know I can help you. If this is resonating with you, apply for coaching with me below

Sanna Jepson

Small Call to Action Headline

Are you ready to lose weight and have more energy?

These Clients who tried various diets & boring workouts that simply didn't work, that is, until they found us!

In a very short space of time they transformed their bodies and lives - but don't take our word for it - see what these clients had to say below...

Rebecca lost 7.5kg in 8 weeks

She is now down 7.5kg in 8 weeks and 15cm in her waist measurements and 12cm from her hips.... We can really see the difference on her waist, hips and thighs

All her hard work is paying off!

Despite leading a very busy lifestyle. It’s been great to see the growth and progress she have made thus far.

Simone lost 13.7kg

Simone dropped 13.7kg in 12 weeks, dropped 3 dress sizes, but more importantly, felt better and changed her outlook on fitness and weight loss. "I know my health has definitely benefited from carrying less weight too. I still have a way to go to get to my goal weight but watch this space because over the next 12wks I reckon I would be at my goal weight wahoo, then all I need to do is maintain it for the rest of my life, lucky this is a lifestyle change NOT A QUICK FIX. Absolutely love the journey I am on and I could not have done it without your knowledge, support, and encouragement and for that, I thank you wholeheartedly... "

Shelley lost 10kg in 12 weeks

Shelly dropped below her goal weight of 70kg in her 12 week program and changed her liestyle!

Shelly is now eating MORE food after cutting back on the fatty and high carb foods in her diet and stop indulging in cheat treats and wines. Shelly says is "The biggest breakthroughs once joining is eating more food than I usually do on a daily basis. And have accountability to someone and someone to talk to when things get tough."

We love helping not just fitness and nutrition, but helping people through the tough moments and and take control back of their lives! What an amazing fitness and lifestyle transformation!

What Our Clients Had To Say About SJ Fitness and Nutrition Coaching

It is an easy programme to follow, I love the weekly progress reports as keeps you accountable. I have done lots of diets lost weight and put it back on. This is not a diet it is a lifestyle change and is sustainable. Sanna is great and keeping in contact and checking in how you are going. I would highly recommend. I am loving exercise again and over a month have lost over 5kgs and 6cms from waist


Sanna is awesome with her coaching. She keeps you accountable. Her nutrition plans are super easy to follow and it works !!!! I've done the 12 week program and lost almost 10kg on it !!!! And through all of it I didn't starve myself once. Highly recommend Sanna if you want to live a healthy lifestyle !


Where do I start...Sanna's programme worked wonders for me. I was ready to make some crucial lifestyle changes for the better and Sanna helped give me the mind tools to literally change my life for the better. My goals were to lose weight and get fit...well boy did I lose weight and I'm definitely the fittest I've been in years! I've been working with Sanna for approximately 18wks now and it hasn't always been easy but Sanna has always been there to motivate me, share knowledge and keep me accountable, not only to the programme but to myself!


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36 Delamare road, Hamilton Waikato 3200

Contact Us at 020 4159 7761

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